
Paper #1 (Published)
A new combined framework for sustainable development using the DPSIR approach and numerical modeling
Mahsa Malmir, Saman Javadi, Ali Moridi, Aminreza Neshat, Babak Razdar

Paper #2 (Published)
Integrated groundwater management using a comprehensive conceptual framework
Mahsa Malmir, Saman Javadi, Ali Moridi, Timothy Randhir, Masoud Saatsaz
Malmir, M., Javadi, S., Moridi, A. 2021. "Investigation of the strategies to deal with the effects of climate change and overdrafting in the aquifer systems using the DPSIR framework (Case study: Najafabad aquifer-Isfahan)". The 6th Regional Conference on Climate Change and Global Warming, Zanjan, Iran.
Malmir, M., Javadi, S., Moridi, A., Salmani, H. 2018. "Integrated water resources management using the DPSIR approach, (Case study: Najaf Abad Basin, Iran)". European Geosciences Union General Assembly (EGU), Vienna, Austria.
Salmani, H., Javadi, S., Eini, M., Malmir, M. 2018. "Hydrological simulation of runoff and food safety assessment in a semi-arid region in Iran by SWAT model under different climate situations". IAH Congress, Daejeon, Korea.
S.M. Hashemy Shahdany., S. Javadi., A. Neshat., H. Salmani., M. Morady Kondory., M. Malmir. 2018. "Reducing Groundwater Overexploitation with Improving Operational Performances of Irrigation Canal". 10th Int'l Conference on Studies in Architecture, Civil, Design & Environmental Engineering (SACDEE-18), Istanbul, Turkey.